I Better Not Sing It…

flutter in my head,
like silk ribbons on a breeze ~
and the child in me
smiles — squints;
while the big hand sneaks up on 12




& the doors swing open.

i pop
a peanut into my mouth,
at the bartender and
quickly unwrap
utterly gracious

time to fiddle
with my new toy ~ i
solve a puzzle, take
the Etch A Sketch or
challenge my mind
at Scrabble

(… maybe lose
the one or other hair
in the process)

& then
kick back at the bar ~
to dive
into words
that sing to me…
from far, far away.

… A bit silly, maybe ~ but oh, well… like you never feel silly singing ‘Happy Birthday’ at the top of your lungs. Heh.

Happy 100th, dVerse Poets Pub… I couldn’t be more grateful to be part of this amazing group.

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