Ivory Tower

do you recognize the bones
of your ivory tower —
this once smooth surface
dulled by inability &
disfigured insecurities?

do you ever get lonely up there
among all those childish fears —
the only true company
you allow yourself to keep?


my mind still speaks to you
in quiet patterns —
in heavy rain &
bone-splitting gusts of wind

my mind still speaks to you —
yet no arched sunlight ever leaves
my thoroughly parched lips.

The image was created by using the AI Art Generator at Imagine Art.


how do I wrap my mind around
the sharp edges of this screaming void,
when all I have is
tattered faith
to stop the bleeding?

how do I reach the point where
I can put one foot in front of the other,
when I know the things I know —
deep down; rooted
in the essence of my being?

The Im|Pact

in passing years, November rain
repeatedly extended its freezing fingers
to the demons inside my mind

they must have bonded over dinner &
locked me in their firm, seasonal grip —
a cold place
with little wiggle room
& a stark absence of light.

Fleeting Fairy Tale

I wish I could hide your image
in the soft, sauntering fog —
let harsh endings
dissolve into nothingness
& see, that there never was
anything solid
between you & me

I wish I could
write this fleeting fairy tale,
but it would simply be

The image was created by using the AI Art Generator at Imagine Art.


I feel you —
at times through paper-thin layers;
at times through walls
as thick as your skull

I feel you —
though you became
the personification of indistinct,
your words never left
the way you did.

The image was created by using the AI Art Generator at Imagine Art.