
from gaping chasms
to highest mountains
from ocean’s opaque bed
to desert’s searing sun;
beauty, we seek
in bulks and heaps ~
insatiable need
blinds avid eye/I,
dulls (tactile) senses.

to the brink of madness
by desperate search,
we seldom detect
or acknowledge
the small pearls and diamonds
beneath our bare feet.

It’s Open Link Night over at dVerse Poets Pub and Brian is tending the Bar. This is a short one I came up with… hope you enjoy.

21 thoughts on “Ravenous

  1. Indeed, “searching” seems such a waste. Instead, “exploring” the pearls under our feet seems so much a better strategy!
    Nicely put.
    You know, when I come to your site and see that bench, I keep hoping someday we’ll see you sitting there. The bench’s emptiness is so loud!


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